Changes in the structure and functions of the apparatus of the Udmurt ASSR Council of Ministers in 1946—1991
Vyacheslav A. Vasilyev, Postgraduate Student
Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russia,,
The article deals with the changes in the structure and functions of the apparatus of Udmurtia Council of Ministers throughout the whole period of its existence. It is established that these changes fully depended on the place of the government in the political system of the autonomous republic. Based on the analysis of archival sources it was revealed that the transformation of the apparatus was implemented on the initiative of the USSR central authorities as part of key administrative reforms in the country. The dependence of the effectiveness of the government, as well as the republican branch and local governments on the efficiency of the Council of Ministers apparatus was determined. At the same time, despite the constant evolution of the structure, the main set of functions and activities of the apparatus remained stable. The number of employees in the apparatus varied, following the restructuring process, which directly correlated with the views of the Soviet leadership on the most efficient government bodies.
Udmurt ASSR, regional authorities, UASSR Council of Ministers, government apparatus, structural-functional method.
For citation:
Vasilyev V. A. Changes in the structure and functions of the apparatus of the Udmurt ASSR Council of Ministers in 1946—1991. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2024, no. 3 (51), pp. 142—153. DOI:
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